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Here at AMPW we have Pressure Washing Skids for you.
We have a variety to choose from.
3.0 which is suitable for those with closed truck beds.
4.0 which is common used for Pressure Washing
5.0 which is great for Dual 2 person Pressure Washing
More information below
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There are three Pressure Washing Skids to choose from – The 3.0 is the low rider that can fit under a pickup truck bed cover
The 4.0 is the single system great for Auto Detailing, Window Cleaning, or Solar Panel Cleaning
The 5.0 is the double system, this is also used for Auto Detailing, Window Cleaning, or Solar Panel Cleaning Learn more about the 6.0 Electric Skid (951)-440-9063
All Pressure Washing Skids include a pressure gauge on the pump, Hudson float valve inside the tank to shut off the water, 300’ ft. of two strand pressure hose, Honda GX
200 Engine, AR Pump, Aluminum deck, Reelcraft Hose Reel, and Ronco Water Tanks. This is a heavy duty build commercial pressure washing system that will last you a long time.
Please give Mark Sullins a call if you have any questions (951)-440-9063
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