My old, discounted, reconditioned, gas-powered pressure washer died several years ago, and I picked up a Greenworks 2000 PSI electric one as an inexpensive replacement. After many hours of pressure washing a one-inch-wide path, I realized that was a mistake. I gifted the 2000-PSI one to my parents for light work around the house, and upgraded to a Greenworks 3000 PSI model, which is one of the most-powerful electric pressure washers available for use on a 15-amp circuit. In this video I answer the question of whether this electric pressure washer is a satisfactory option for pressure-washing concrete around the house. In short, yes it is, but you should still watch the entire video to see some troubleshooting and also a stray cat named Eclipse.
I can’t find it on Amazon, so here’s a link to the pressure washer on the company’s website:
This is the 15″ attachment:
To reduce the time I spend pressure washing in the future, I have sealed everything with Siloxa-Tek 8505, which is an obscenely expensive, but so far an extremely good sealant: https://amzn.to/3H8Lik7
This video is not sponsored. I paid for everything and used my own time, and a stray cat. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission if you use the Amazon links to make a purchase.
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