How to Chemically Clean Render (extreme cleaning)……Soft Wash

#satisfying #softwashing #lakedistrict
How to Chemically Clean Render.

So what is Softwashing?
Softwashing is a highly effective and eco-friendly exterior cleaning process that involves using a range of biocides and low pressure water to kill and remove the living biofilm of algae, mould, bacteria and other organic material that stain and discolour the exterior surfaces of buildings.
Biofilms are a combination of different algae, mould, bacteria, lichens, moss and organic matter that form when microorganisms adhere to a surface. They typically thrive in a moist environment where the porosity of the surface, its mineral composition, alkalinity and availability to retain air borne salts creates an environment favourable for them to settle, thrive and multiply.

One of the main advantages of s soft wash or as it’s known softwashing is that it is applied at low pressure, which ensures that even delicate surfaces aren’t damaged. This makes it the perfect cleaning method for those who want to maintain the look of their property without causing any harm to surface.
It’s different to Pressure Washing or Jetwashing in that it utilises low pressure to apply chemicals and rinse with hot water.
Softwashing kills the living spores of algae, mould, bacteria and organic biofilm that cold water pressure washing cannot remove.
Painting over the living biofilm of algae and mould will result in it striking through the paint after a short period of time.

Watch as we clean the wet dash render with chemicals and biocide to instantly transforming this property.
We have other examples on our YouTube channel that shows different types of render such as K-Rend, pebbledash. Tyrolean and monocouche renders being softwashed and steam cleaned.
We hope you enjoy.

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