Update On My New Soft Wash & Pressure Washing Set Up.

I added a few new things to my soft wash and pressure washing set up, the main thing being some basic truck signs, without them im invisible to the world, I also added the new high pressure reel, the whip line from the pressure washer, and re routed my injector hose, switched to a larger 20 gal SH tank, and built a small platform for the reels to mount to,
Still need to get my Jrod (tips), a 4400 psi rated surface cleaner, a 20% 3-5 gpm downstream injector, business cards, and a couple shirts thrown together.
I have my own shirt printing press and equipment from my old Tshirt business years ago, so I’ll just do some basic text shirts to get me going, appearance does matter 😉.
Other than that I think I’m about ready to make the leap and set up the jobs I have waiting ….

So, … of we go, time to get wet. ðŸ’Ķ

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